When is the best time to contact leads?

Best Times of Day to Contact Leads

Verse analyzed 1M+ leads from 140 companies to find the highest-converting times of day.

Verse is a fully-managed platform that enables 24/7, instant response. With conversational AI and our team of human concierges, we supercharge omnichannel lead engagement for Verse clients—mainly via the most popular channel, SMS.

Our conversational AI automates outreach and lead qualification, enabling your team to focus on warm, qualified leads.

Holding millions of conversations with leads weekly, we understand the best times to contact leads in terms of response rate and qualification.

Get insight in our study of 140 companies and over 1 million leads, where we found:

  • At what time of day leads were more likely to respond
  • Lead response rates during business hours and after-hours
  • Lead qualification rates during business hours and after-hours
This report reviews our study and its results, including key takeaways to inform your approach.

Download the report

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